Tutorial The following will provide you with a basic overview of the URLs for search engines offer the love, the latest version of Joomla 1.5
The Joomla! the number of project team brought in the more favorable view of prespective Joomla SEO 1.5.
These are listed below just shall come out the better things hath he done.
Are you able to now, then search engine friendly URLs without mod_rewrite
You can use a Suffix (. Html) to the URLs
Global global site the name of the global situation of the goal of the website description keywords and / or not more than a single element of content automatically added
Of the title between the descriptions of the goal of keywords one by one so are they satisfied with the
By default, without which the search engine-friendly URLs functionality Joomla! so generates URLs
How is the default top page in the URL containing the content item, he would see his long URL and the name of the component Itemid
He should,, and thus the search engine friendly URL's of the two options for you.
Enable SEF URL's without mod_rewite Apache (mod_rewrite support is not separated)
Enable SEF URL's in mod_rewrite (mod_rewrite to do the support off)
For so Joomla 1.5 SEF functionality you ought to to do all these forms of
Login to the Administrator of Area
Select Global Configuration
You will now be in at the strips SEO listed below, when in any Enable or Disable the functionality of SEO especially in the Joomla!
SEF URL's without mod_rewrite
SEF URL's Sun, in a slave is not in the Apache mod_rewrite URLs search engine friendly check the box what kind of manner from that Still is the image of looks like below.
SEF URL's in mod_rewrite
The greater part of the troops of include hosting mod_rewrite to bear part of the Web Hosting package.
This option is the most common approach to use SEF URLs
SEF URLs in the mod_rewrite to enable to perform their work by these steps.
Log in using an FTP client to the Web Hosting space access to the directory where you installed the Joomla 1.5
You will see the file is called htaccess.txt
Before enable the SEF URLs, it is necessary rename the htaccess.txt file. Htaccess
If, however, renaaming htaccess.txt file, we command you this FTP client and shall take away thy do not foget are well. Add txt. (Dot) before the Last htaccess will come to pass. Htaccess
This, indeed, you htaccess file, and you log in the name of the twinkling of an administrator 1.5 Joomla Global Configuration I have read the SEO to see on this side you see the settings.
SEO of death to a change of Radio buttons as well for search engine-friendly URLs the use of Apache mod_rewrite would also be no
Settings will look like the screenshot under the
8. Select the Save button in addition the changes. Your URL now look like this
As you can see the name of the Component Itemid index.php and now you out of the extension to be removed from the form of URL url openly hinted at the least satisfied with the item.
Add Suffix to URLs
Joomla 1.5 is received the option of the addition of the suffix. Content with the HTML tag at the end.
To enable this option, url accomplish the Suffix
Choose from the administrator of the global configration change the radius of the button to add to the NO Yea, Suffix URLs
2. Were seen again look to your site URLs Sun
What, from thee. html extension added to the URL now I see
Unique Description Meta Keywords
As above, an indication either that the global keywords to approach the goal of the marks of description is not one element of content with. Fill in the content with each item you create a unique description the goal of keywords.
From the Joomla 1.5 administrator select the content area of the menu the menu items I bequeath to the
Now open the content item
On the right you see the knowledge of metadata is called the Option
Metadata goes, and now the faculty of information of the box to add keywords to individual description that he should render to create content with.
After I bequeath to save your changes Bottone.
If you wish to site the name of the global goal of global description global situation of sites or keywords to be seen all its contents upon every one of you have the element of the steps were also appointed, and perform website.
If this is not by default Joomla! Meta Description automatically keywords to global settings for each of flesh and cometh to pass.